Give me space to breathe.......



Facing reality tut auch gut, wenn es dann danach wieder 'klar' ist.

Sinnbild für Wachstum......

Gestern war irgendwie ein 'rough' Start in den Tag. 

Ob es an dem Schnee lag?

Dem Wissen es braucht längere Anfahrt und achtsamer Fahren mit dem Schnee auf den Strassen oder einfach nur dieses Schneegrau, keine Ahnung. 

Oder diesem Blue monday??????

Allerdings gab es dann doch noch ein Happy END, denn, wenn etwas in die Resonanz geht,  ist da was zum Ansehen. 

Das durchgehen ist bäh, doch es lohnt sich. 

Wieder was erkannt, ob es irgendwann mal den Weg hierher findet keine Ahnung. 

Heute zumindest nicht. 

SEHR DANBKAR für das in die RESONANZ gehen zu dürfen, aus offener Authentizität :)


Und jetzt back to  - GIVE ME SPACE TO BREATHE, ist heute einfach wichtiger.


Belebende Frische - was belebt dich?

 Kannst du es heute einbauen in deinen Alltag ?

Dann mach das und genieße es :)

 Und wenn du denkst, da geht heut nix -TANZE!

Zu deiner Lieblingsmusik, was im Radio läuft, bewege dich MIT der MUSIK.

Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Dienstag :)



Sarah Connor - Ich wünsch dir


Inspiration - such dir, was dich berührt :)


'If the why is powerful, the how becomes easy.'

- Jim Rohn



'life isn't made for perfect people. it's made for those who know who to turn an impossible situation into something beautiful. 

it's made for fighters. dreamers. lovers. and people who won't give up even when life feels impossible. 

it's not perfect.

it's not easy.

but that's why we're made so damn tough.'

- topher kearby



'You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.'

- Dr. Suess


'Your purpose will only be found in service to others, and in being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego.'

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer



'She's trying to live in the present, not from the fire she's been through, but as a woman who's made it to the other side.'

- Tanya Markul



'Freundlichkeit und Mitgefühl beginnen mit dem Verständnis, dass wir alle zu kämpfen haben.'

- Charles F. Glasman



'Grandfather says, "When you feel powerless, that's because you stopped listening to your heart that's where the power comes from.'

Gianna Crow



'If you're drawn to study and learn deeply from certain subject matter, you might than be called to write or speak about it. You might be healing or moving or shifting something. You might be unlearning to integrate deeper truth, and you might be doing it for more than just yourself because it affects something generational. You might be a change agent. Honor yourself. It might be a calling, and it might come out through your art, but it is wisdom speaking.'

- JP Silver Moon



'Love itself has many synonyms: mental clarity, compassion, selflessness, flexibility, acceptance and understanding. Love is so powerful because it is simultaneously hardy and elastic, it takes on the form it needs to bind people together in a wholesome and nourishing manner. But human beings are complex, and we carry the baggage of survivalist tendencies that we gathered during tough times. Love is freedom while attachment is control, all human beings walk in as a mixture of both when they enter into relationships.'

- Yung Pueblo



'Wer etwas will, findet Wege. Wer etwas nicht will, findet Gründe.'

- Anonymus



'Ich habe keine Angst vor Sturm, weil ich so lerne, mein Schiff zu lenken.'

- Louisa May Alcott



'Make it priority to heal and break free from your destructive patterns, or watch yourself  destroy everyone and everything valuable that comes into your life.'

- Malcolm Fraser



'Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.'

- Mary Oliver



'Change is not something that happens to us or something that we can try to escape or avoid. It is simply part and parcel of even the most average human existence.'

- Brad Stulberg



'If you're healing from trauma learn more about: 

- Nervous system regulation

- Family roles (scapegoat, golden child)

- Systemic oppresion

- Modalities (EMDR, IFS, brain spotting, somatic work)

- PTSD, cPTSD and other diagnoses

Learn less from people telling you it's easy.'


- Nate Postlethwait



'When you find beautiful depth with someone, nothing else will ever do. Nothing else will ever  be good enough. Because you have been awakened to the fact that mere moments in the abyss holds more intimacy than years on the surface, and once you become conscious to that there is no going back to sleep.'

- JM Storm



'Those who have a strong sense of live and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.'

- Brené Brown



'Why do people with big hearts get judged for loving so greatly?
We call them naive, silly, careless, foolish, unwise.

We tell them they deserved the hurt for not seeing it coming. 

We belittle the very people with the capacity to love the whole world.

And we wonder why people seek power over compassion.'

- Ash Taylor

'Few understand the power of "relationship as a path" to personal growth, empowerment, and self-actualization.'

- Jayson Gaddis

'The news: everything is bad.

Poets: okay, but what if everything is bad and we still fall in love with the moon and learn something from the flowers.'

- Nikita Gill

'Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissim. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.'

- Erich Fromm

'Wenn du von einer Partnerschaft erwartest, dass sie dich glücklich macht, wirst du immer etwas finden, was dem im Weg steht. Wenn du selbst glücklich bist, wirst du immer einen Grund haben zu lieben und eine warme Atmosphäre schaffen, die es für Menschen, die ebenfalls auf dieser Ebene schwingen, einfach macht, dich zu finden. Wenn beide mit sich selbst unzufrieden sind, gleicht es einem permaneten Kampf, und die innere Distanz sorgt immer für Abstand. Liebe kämpft nicht, Liebe erwartet nicht - Liebe ist, was du bist. Und wenn du die Liebe bist, wirst du sie überall wiederfinden.'

- Oliver Ribbert

'Wer sich in deine Blüten, aber nicht in deine Wurzeln verliebt, weiss nichts mit dir anzufangen, wenn der Winter kommt.'

- Jade Jackson

'most people want something  from you.

the best people bring something out of you.

and that's a very different  thing.'


- topher kearby

'All the buried seeds crack open in the dark the instant they surrender to a process they can't see.'

- Mark Nepo

'I have decided to stick to love. 

Hate is too great a burden to bear.'

- Martin Luther King J.

'The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. '

- Leonardo da Vinci

'You're not healing to be able to handle trauma. You're used to trauma.

You're healing to be able to handle joy.'

- Unknown

'The most important spiritual growth doesn't happen when you're meditating or on a yoga mat. 

It happens in the midst of conflict - when you're frustrated, angry, or scared and you're doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realize that you have a choice to do it differently.'

- Malak

'If you are free, you need to free somebody else. 

If you have some power then your job is to empower somebody else.'

- Toni Morrison

'Every morning you rise, 

I want you 

to remember this:

there are 

amazing things

to be a part of, 

and fight for,

and feel,

because the world

will unlock hundreds

of doors when you 

give this day

all the courage, love,

and intensity

you can.'

- Victoria Erickson


