Map of the healing road
Diese Collage ist schon alt, und es ist weiterhin das was mein Weg ist.
Faszination authentische Kreativität.
Meine Landkarte meiner Heilungsreise.
Und sie wird wohl weiterhin aktuell sein :)
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Dienstag :)
Ps: der Trigger ging sehr tief und es arbeitet weiter in mir, darf es.
Denn ich hab die Freiheit und die Ressourcen.
'Mental resources like determination, self-worth, and kindness are what makes us resilient: able to cope with adversity and push throught challenges in the pursuit of opportunities.'
- Rick Handson
'A nervous system that is not supported early in life to self-regulate and modulate a variety of emotions associated with discomfort, vulnerability, connection and authenticity will perceive these as threatening, unfamiliar and unsafe later in life. Making space for a little bit of discomfort, a little bit of vulnerability, little bit of authencitiy is how we invite a little bit of safety.'
- @awakenwithally
'For our nervous system to be receptive to our healing "interventions", it needs to feel safe and supported in the present moment. Trauma is not only what happened to us in the past. Trauma is the pain or response that stayed with us without being seen, heard, felt, supported or loved. More safety, clarity and attunement in the present moment means more trauma integration.'
- @awakenwithally
'Here is a secret about things you love.
If you put them down you can always pick them up again.
You can always paint again, sew again, hike again, play music again, read that book again, watch the movie. "But it's been so long." The thing you love doesn't care.'
- @swampadvice
'My religion is nature.
That's what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me.'
- Oliver Sacks
'Imagine someone learning you love language just to treat you right and make you feel loved properly.'
- The Good Quote
'Please do not assume you know me because you follow me on Social Media. My life goes much deeper then what you see .
Until you truly know me, take everything I say with a grain of salt.
I am not here to prove anything to anyone. I am here to express my heart, inspire and create.'
- Justin Tristao
'Trauma teaches you to close your heart and armor up.
Healing teaches you to open your heart and boundary up.'
- Thecodependentperfectionist
'You cannot dim the light of a person who has walked their path all the way out from the darkness, into the truth. For they walk the path of love.'
- Stacie Martin
'When we trust our creative energy, we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment - an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things.'
- Dizgar Kongtrul Rinpoche
'Two things that you are always free to do despite your circumstances are to be present and willing to love.'
- Jack Kornfield