Space in between - just being.....

Guten Morgen und guter Wochenstart :)

~ wave to be - invisible magic, feel it today ~

'New identifications as the observer or the survivor may serve as an anchor until qualities of the authentic self become more embodied. The true Self is always here but hidden and obscured by various mental, emotional and somatic defenses and roles.  The authentic self feels more open, observing, connected, embodied, with more capacity for life, wise, spacious, sensitive, peaceful, accepting, understanding, receptive, compassionate, intuitive, present, curious, clear, attuned and with more perspective and exploring.'

 'The real warriors in this world are the ones that see the details of another's soul.'

- Shannon L. Alder

'The "midlife crisis" is essentially an existential journey, inviting you to unbecome what no longer resonates with your soul's purpose.'

- Jada Butler



'This is the greatest challenge of being alive: 

To witness the injustice of the world and not allow it to consume our light.'

- Oxherd Boy



'I think a lot about how many kids get called "bad" because they're intelligent enough not to conform or comply to things that don't make sense to them.'

- Ashley Simpo



'Not many will be willing to accept the challenge and initiations that come with a healthy co-creative relationship. It requires a level of humility, transparency, integrity, vulnerability and love that will allow you to face all of your fears and embrace all difficult and uncomfortable truths together.

It also requires patience, compassion and an unwavering desire to become the greatest versions of ourselves. This is the path few are willing to take, the path to co-creation.'

- Malcom Fraser



'Creating safety for yourself is perhaps the greatest skill you can have. Creating security for a partner is perhaps the greatest act of love. Again, this can only happen when both people become emotionally mature, recognize their triggers, are honest, loyal, not perfect, but have their partner's best interests at heart.'

- Quentin Decamp



'Surrendering isn't about giving up your power - it's about stepping into a deeper kind of strength. You recognize when it's time to release what's out of your hands and trust that the universe knows what it's doing.

When you step into the energy of surrender, you're still rooted in your own energy, just flowing with life instead of pushing against it.

true power is in that wisdom, in letting go with grace and knowing that your spirit's aligned with something bigger.

Reaching the point of surrender with awareness is emotional intelligence at its finest, staying grounded and trusting the process, because you know your growth is happening, even when you're not in control.'


- Ritual of Heart



'You are the medicine, woman,

If you dare to embody your healing, 

if you step out of the life you had.

The life they tell you that you must lead, 

And step with shaking faith, onto another path, 

A path of healing,

Defined by your boundaries and needs.


If you are prepared to step out of our sick culture

You will step into the healing place.'


- Lucy H. Pearce, Medicine Woman



'The boy looked up into the vast sky. "I wonder if there's anyone up there watching over us."

"If there is", the rabbit replied, "I think they'd like to see us watching over one another down here, too."

- Oxherd Boy



'It's still possible not to hold so tightly to what you think is true, to bend your head and assume humility beneath the eaves of a still spreading sky, to feel in the rain upon your upturned face, how you have always been friends with the distant horizon, no matter how far or how faint its call.'

- David Whyte



'she's a vibe that you gravitate to and lifts your soul to a place where gravity doesn't exist.'

- Joseph Colombrita



'Menschen in Trauer und mit Schmerzen brauchen kein "Good Vibes only". Sie brauchen eine Hand, die sie durch alle Vibes hindurch festhält.'

- Fatima Rizwan



'that feeling of being in between. 

on the threshold of something new,

yet not fully arrived.

the liminal space.

spaces that can feel

uncomfortable, ambiguous. 

- this is where growth and transformation takes place.

The liminal space is an invitation to let go of the familiar and be receptive to what's emerging. A sacred, potent and fertile space where old gives way to new. Where the shifts within us, orchestrate shifts around us.'

- The Sattva Life



 'Ich sehe dich, und habe keine Angst vor deiner Dunkelheit, auch verachte ich dein Chaos nicht. Ich selbst habe viele Lasten getragen, ich weiß, wie schwer es wiegen kann. In meiner Nähe darfst du dich mit all deinen Schatten zeigen. Hinter dem Vorhang aus Schmerz verbirgt sich eine zarte, kraftvolle Seele. Noch kannst  du sie nicht sehen, doch meine Augen werden dich spüren lassen, wie wunderschön du bist.....'

- Oliver Ribbert

'When you slow down you feel.

When you feel, you heal. 

When you heal, you grow.

Sometimes slowing down is the most productive thing you can do.'

- Unknown

'You have shed a thousand skins to become the woman you are today.

And if you ever feel overwhelmed by the many women you once were,

remember your bones have grown but what makes them has never changed.

The ghosts of the women you used to be are so proud of who you have become, storm child made of wild and flame.'

- Nikita Gill

'A woman who has healed many traumas on her own and still keeps her heart pure, isn't a woman. She's an alchemist. She's magic.'

- Spirit Daughter

'I haven't discovered yet a trauma healing modality that addresses the complexity of the whole healing trauma process. Some address some aspects, others something else. But one that addresses all? Not yet. The ulitmate trauma-healing modality is our own Wisdom, Attunement and Perspective.'

- Awaken with Ally



'Some of the scars we carry from past relationships can only be healed in a new relationship.

The reason why old pain arises when you enter a relationship is not because you have not healed enough on your own. It is because this pain stems from past relationships and is asking to be healed in relationships. Even very conscious individuals might find themselves suddenly profoundly triggered and exposed in a relationship.

This is because when we are on our own, we are not necessarily confronted with certain wounded parts of ourselves. They exist without our knowledge, and not even the deepest meditation can make us aware of them. Only a relationship can.'

- Lorin Krenn

Und noch etwas Musik die mir gestern einfach gut getan hat :)

