Einfach leben no. 63 - soft landing


Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Tag :)


'We don't have to pretend to be fine when we are not. We don't need to push through and be strong. Gratitude is a soft landing place that requires us to be honest, open, and willing to look at everything we're facing and not turn away.'

  - Alex Elle


'The moment the body feels seen, heard, met, understood and welcomed with the fullness of reactions, impulses, needs and wisdom...in this safety and atunement, the nervous system softens its defenses and protections. Once the nervous system softens, healing is a lot more accessible and sustainable.'

- Awaken with Ally


 'be easy.

take your time.

you are coming home.

to yourself.'

- the becoming/wing


'Your body holds infinite wisdom. Trust in the deep knowledge that your body possesses.'

- Trauma and somatics 

 Soft landing - sanft landen

Wenn ein ANS sich sicher fühlt, wird es das automatisch - sanft landen.

Und wenn es zusammen mit der wachsenden inneren Sicherheit und gleichzeitig äußeren sicheren Räumen passiert, wird das ein sehr weicher und  sanfter Prozess.

Wie wichtig ist, dass die eigene innere Sicherheit mitwächst?

Sehr, ansonsten wird es nicht wirklich ein soft landing und abhängig von äußeren Räumen.


 'Love Frequency

One of the deepest expressions of love frequency - is generosity.

If you hear the word "Love" being spoken or identified with, but the individual is not embodying generosity, then it may be a faulty alignment of self-trickery.

At its core, love is generous and in many ways absolutely selfless ( in a healthy empowered way).

If he/she says they "love" you, but do not engage with you generously, and instead it is all about them and their needs, their expression, their "truth" - maybe it's time to ask some questions, in order for one to re-clarify the definition of "love", in a time where it has almost lost all meaning. The above is not a technique to practice, nor can it be faked. This is a total realigning and development of one's soul intention on the planet. Which is an entire process in itself, and often a very uncomfortable and painful process as we shed our fear based behaviors, actions, and manipulations. Most of what we see depicted as "love" around us, has nothing to do with Love, and everything to do with greed.

I invite you, to ask some questions, and be as aware as possible of your underlying motivations when you engage with yourself and others. 

"Are my actions coming from an intention to bring and share love? Or is it my pain and trauma wanting to feed itself, by wanting to secretly take from and punish others?" '


- Chris Bale 


CYRIL - Fall At Your Feet (with Dean Lewis)
