Go im Flow.....


 Guten Morgen :)

Montag war am Sonntag schon klar wird voll gepackt sein. 

Es hat sich am Wochenende dann noch einiges dazugesellt und mir war klar, ich habe heute die Wahl das ganze Survival-angehaucht zu leben - oder in den Flow zu gehen. 

Dreimal darfst du raten was es wurde!

Jup - Go im Flow

Und es hat alles wunderbar gepasst. 

Tiefes Seufzen - obwohl der Tag on the go war. 

Innere Haltungen - oder besser innere Seins-zustände haben sehr wohl Wirkung auf mein kompletter Alltag. 

Leben von inside out wird einfach unterschätzt. 

Dabei geht es noch nicht mal darum den ganzen Tag super bewusst zu sein, sondern morgens schon eine Intention setzen, das reicht. 

Lust auszuprobieren?

Dann los. 

Was könnte deine Intention für heute sein?

Meine war gestern Flow, um alles passend in den Tag zu packen, ohne komplett gestresst und gerädert am Abend vorm Pc zu sitzen. 

Was es heute ist?

Hm, weiten Raum in mir zu erschaffen und zu halten, für all die Menschen, die diesen Raum heute brauchen. 

Und der weiteste Raum ist shared humanity. 

Dort ist es egal welches Geschlecht wir haben, wir sind alle Menschen. 

Der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner. 

Wie es dann aussieht, wenn die Kreise kleiner werden und näher an den Menschen kommen, ist andere Sache und doch ganz am Herz, im Kern eines Menschen gibt es erneut einen gemeinsamen Nenner: das menschliche Wesen. 

 Jetzt hast du dich vielleicht gefragt, wie das von dem weitesten Kreis zum tiefsten Kern des menschlichen Wesens verbunden werden kann?

Diese Frage kannst du dir nur selbst beantworten, indem du dich auf den Weg machst, dich in dir mit deinem eigenen menschlichen Wesen zu verbinden. 

Hm, interessant - mein menschliches Wesen hat übernommen beim Tippen, Schmunzel.

In diesem Sinn wünsche ich dir einen guten Dienstag :)



 'The many tools, techniques, knowledge, and hacks mean nothing if your nervous system doesn't feel seen, heard, attuned, and understood in this moment and for all the past moments when it was so dismissed, suppressed, unsafe, and unsupported.

 1% attunement means 1% safer.'

- Awaken with Ally



 Die Macht der Feder - so beeindruckend:

 Italia got talent - Feather


 'Survival identity and perspective 

The survival identity is the identity that has emerged from all the ways we have learned to survive and cope with unresolved trauma and environments that were unsafe, inhibiting our natural expression and emotional development. You are not anxious or fearful; your nervous system feels chronically unsafe. You're not depressed; your system has learned to cope with unresolved trauma by depressing. The pleaser is not who you are. It's the role that best served you to cope with your parent's unresolved trauma, emotional unsafety or with unresolved wounds of rejection, abandonment, and criticism. 

One of the most powerful ways to break through the survival identity is to observe and question. 

Is this who I am or who I needed to become to survive?" '

- https://embodiedhealingbook.com/


'"I wish I knew how this will turn out", said the rabbit.

"Maybe, it's not about knowing how it will turn out", said the ox.

"Maybe what you really want to know is that you'll be OK no matter what happens."'

- The Oxherd Boy



'When we feel truly safe, truly satisfied, and truly connected in the moment, we can meet life's difficulties without getting overwhelmed by them.'

 - Dr. Rick Hanson


'I' ve said it before and I'll say it again - We do not decide when and how to release trauma. 

It decides on its own.

We create safer, more balanced environment within us, so that trauma can start to sense....oh, they're good without me. I don't need to hold on so tightly.

Let safety be your focus, instead of the release. 

Notice how different it feels.

Notice how much juicier it feels.

I see trauma as its own independent operating mechanism inside of us, and it's incredibly intelligent.

We don't need to fight it.

In fact, if we do, it'll just  pick up on that anyway.

We need to show it that we will be okay, that we ARE okay, even if it's not running the show.'

- Maggie Hayes



'True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is measured in the legacy we leave behing for those we love and those we inspire.'

- Cesar Chavez



'The greatest gift you will ever offer someone is far more precious than anything wrapped in ribbon or bought with wealth. It’s the silent permission you give them to feel safe in their own skin, to breathe without fear, and to embrace their true essence without the need to shrink or apologize. It’s the quiet, unspoken acknowledgment that they are worthy, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, in all their imperfect, raw humanity.

To gift someone the feeling of being enough is to hold up a mirror not to what they lack but to the brilliance they already possess. It is to strip away the layers of doubt and insecurity that the world has cast upon them, allowing them to see themselves clearly for the first time, radiant and whole. They no longer need to strive or perform in your presence, for you have created a space where their soul can rest, where they are loved for simply being.

This gift is not loud or grand; it doesn’t announce itself with fanfare. It is a whisper in the quiet moments, a gentle reassurance when their confidence wavers, a steady hand when they feel unsteady. You give them permission to stand tall in their own truth, knowing that they are not too much or too little. They are, and profoundly, enough.

When you offer this gift, you become the light in their darkest corners, the warmth in their coldest doubts. You become the one who sees them, truly sees them, beyond the masks they wear for the world. And in your seeing, they begin to believe in themselves again, trust in their own worthiness, and know that they don’t have to earn love—they already deserve it.

This is the gift that changes everything. It is the gift of belonging, of being seen and held without judgment, of being allowed to take up space in the world as they are. In giving this gift, you are telling them, with every action and word, that they are whole, worthy, and enough. And that is a gift that no one can take away.'

- Katie Kamara 

'it takes courage to step beyond the place where you are comfortable. to reach out and take hold of a future that is uncertain. but once you do it. once you take those risks. you realize how powerful you truly are.

and like a light switch being turned on for the first time your world becomes brighter. and your future becomes more clear. because you have tapped into your purpose.

and that purpose will bring meaning and joy to your life.'

- topher kearby

'Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.'

- Rumi

'Acceptance is the ground out of which true insight and understanding comes.'

- Jack Kornfield

'take a walk with me, 

have a talk with me, 

grab a drink with me, 

sit with me, 

be alone with me, 

get lost with me - 

bust be, 

with me.'


- topher kearby



When you don't know

How you know....

But you know you know.....

and you know you knew

and that's all 

you needed to know...'

- Sana






