Einfach leben no. 58

Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Samstag :)
Letzter Tag im August - was ein bewegender Monat. 
Dankbar :)
'Change. But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.'
- Paulo Coelho
'To respond with Freeze, our system must have felt very unseen, unheard, unsupported and misattuned many times. The freeze state emerges from a pattern of mis-attunement, disconnection and suppression. It's not the one time, but the many times of dismissal that led to freeze.'
- Awaken with Ally
'Restoration means it becomes something new. When we restore our trauma we become someone new that we don't know yet.'
- Thomas Hübl
'When the roots are deep there is not reason to fear the wind.'
- African Proverb
'Jahrelang lehrten Fachleute für psychische Gesundheit die Menschen dass sie ohne soziale Unterstützung psychisch gesund sein können, dass "wenn du dich nicht selbst liebst, wird dich niemand anderes lieben."...Die Wahrheit ist, dass man sich selbst nicht lieben kann, wenn man nicht geliebt wurde und geliebt wird. Die Fähigkeit zu lieben kann nicht in Isolation aufgebaut werden.'
- Bruce D. Perry - Psychiater
'Shame is the glue that gunks up the whole system, but when we honor it as intelligence, the shame starts to melt away creating space for something new to emerge.'
- Geoff Coxx
'At the center of your being you have the answer; 
you know who you are and you know what you want.'
- Lao Tzu
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'
 - Lao Tzu
'The more emotions are felt, expressed and released through the body, the less they "have" to be experienced through the mind, which means the less the mind has to "strategize" about what to do with emotions: control, ruminate on them or freak about them.'
- Awaken with Ally
'Healing is the shift from survival to choice.'
- Vienna Pharaon
'When you feel awe, the default mode network in your brain is deactivated....It's the opposite of "fight or flight" physiologie.'
- Dacher Keltner
'Anderen Menschen zu helfen, ihnen wieder Halt und eine Perspektive zu geben, ist  eine menschliche Pflicht.'
- Peter Maffay
'Don't use your energy to worry. 
Use your energy to believe, create, trust, glow, manifest and heal.'
- Joel Osteen
'Normal is an illusion. 
What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.'
- Morticia Addams
