Erscheinen auf der Trainingsmatte Leben....
Erscheinen auf der Trainingsmatte Leben, trotz Aprilwetter mit eisigem Wind :)
Und ein Regenbogen, leider nicht so ganz sichtbar auf dem Foto :)
Ventral-vagal-Montag-morgen-Einladung-mitzukommen-in-deinen-eigenen-ventral-vagal-Raum :)
Erscheinen auf der Trainingsmatte Leben - es gibt soviele Situationen, wo es ab und zu Überwindung braucht.
Lohnt es sich?
Da gibt es kein aber, kein eigentlich, kein vielleicht, kein weiss nicht.
Ich merke, irgendetwas formt in mir die letzten Tage, doch es will noch nicht in den Ausdruck, bin gespannt wann es plopp macht.
Gestern nachmittag war in mir eine sehr klare innere Ruhe mit der Frage:
Darf es sich einfach so ergeben und passen?
Tiefenlevel 7 Antwort: Ja.
Was da formt, hat mit dieser Experiencing Scale (die ich ja schon mehrmals gepostet hatte) und zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation und auf gleicher Ebene sein zu tun.
Und unnötiger Mismatch?
Abwarten was mein Filtersystem präsentiert.
Es darf sich einfach so ergeben und passen - das bezieht sich übringes auf ALLES für den weiteren Weg.
Es wird sich innerlich aus meiner Slow-down-zentriertheit entfalten.
Bin gespannt welchen Raum es dadurch eröffnet.
Interdependent ist auch so ein Wort das da mit hineinfliesst....Bewusste Wahl das dazwischen zu sein.
Was ich damit meine?
Zwischen den Extremenden Hyperindependent und Co-Abhängig.
Diese natürliche, gesunde, aus dem eigenen Herzen kommenden Verbindung zusammen mit anderen Menschen :)
I am the base the rest follows.
Slow down machst möglich.
Warum ich das teile?
Ich lebe meine, sich innerlich entfaltende Roadmap der Heilung und vielleicht hilft es jemanden, dadurch, mehr seiner eigenen entfaltenden Roadmap zu vertrauen.
Aus eigener Erfahrung ist das sehr bestärkend und ermutigend.
Ich wünsche dir /euch einen schönen Wochenstart :)
'Feeling ist not always healing.
Looking at the response of the autonomic nervous system is the key to understanding whether we are healing or recreating trauma. We are often told that in order to heal we have to feel our trauma. Healing is much more nuanced than this and is specific to the individual's nervous system and how their body processes stress. In somatic sessions, we watch the nervous system and let the individual guide us in healing. I could have an agenda that this person needs to feel their stress and emotions in relation to a traumatic event. Yet the individual's nervous system may inform me that feeling this emotion at this time creates panic and fear, and forces their nervous system to shut down and freeze. Focusing on feeling my bring the individual so close to their trauma that their body moves into a pattern of fight, flight, and freeze. They have not been able to feel or process their stress in the safety of the present. The nervous system is disconnecting through freeze to protect itself from overexposure to the traumatic event. In a somatic session, we may be able to notice that a client consistently moves away from feeling. When the feel their emotions they may feel trapped and overwhelmed. The client's nervous system is telling a story to cope they have to move away and distract. We may notice that as the client talks and they are not forced to feel, they actually become a little lighter, their posture lifts, their breathing pattern lengthens, and they seem more connected to their whole body. When they related to this experience they may feel more alive and settled inside. They may be asked to notice their present experience of lightness and aliveness. Then they may be guided to talk about an event and they notice feeling tighter, they feel sadness, and they remember feeling alone and trapped in a negative situation. Because of the time spent noticing aliveness and supporting the movement away from feeling stress, they may relate to their present experience of sadness and feeling trapped. They may be able to feel shaking and tears along with a sense of aliveness and connection to the body's sensations. In the session, if I had the agenda of "feeling is healing", I may have forced the client to feel something that their nervous system did not have the capacity for. I may have forced the client into emotions, images, sensations, and memories that thrust the nervous system into trauma.By following the client's need to create distance and to move away from feeling, I was listening to them. I was honoring their body's wisdom and timing. This gave the client a sense of freedom, connection, and aliveness to then slowly approach the traumatic stress. They were then able to feel sadness along with a sense of grounding and aliveness in their body; feeling more connected to the present where they can process their body's stress. This gives the client hope rather than recreate a sense of powerlessness and freeze.Feeling is not necessarily healing. Your body and nervous system know whats best for you. Through a somatic approach, we let the body and nervous system guide the healing process. This helps us to slowly gain the capacity to incrementally experience our feelings and process the body's stress response. With time, we can feel more in order to continue to release and let got of past trauma.'
- Jake White Healing
'Engage with self and the world at the same time.'
- Irene Lyon
'Stay close to people who love the new version of you just as much as the old one.'
- Spirit Daughter
'I am often struck by the dangerous narcissism fostered by spiritual rhetoric that pays so much attention to self-improvement and so little to the practice of love within the context of community.'
- Bell Hooks