Creating inner safety being vulnerable and human resource

Yesterday's feeling in one picture, hahaaaa.... ein spontan entstandenes Bild, das auf den Puntk bringt, was vielleicht sinnvoll gewesen wäre, doch ich den Funktionsmodus gewählt hatte, den Tag damit zu durchleben. Wie war das mit der Vulnerabilität? Achja, die eigene innere Sicherheit suchen, wenn die Alarmsignale da herkommen. Wetteranpassung war solala, war eh Sonntag, Humor war noch vorhanden wie oben sichtbar ist (Humor kann auch so eine Ressource sein um mit doofen, heftigen und schweren Dingen im Leben umzugehen). Körper gab sein Bestes, Funktionieren ging im halbwegs stabil sein innerlich. Mirgäneaura ist scheisse und wird es auch weiterhin bleiben, ich muss sie nicht mögen, doch akzeptieren wie es ist macht es einfacher. Weniger Widerstand mehr Ruhe?  Lernprozess der diesesmal eine Embodied-verstärkung bekommen hat, ob es was bringt zeigt die nächste Kopfanpassung. 
Ich versuche mir dann jedes Mal zu sagen: Anke es könnte schlimmer sein, sei froh dass du dieses unerträgliche Kopfweh nicht hast. Neurologische Beeinträchtigungen sind allerdings auch nicht so einfach damit umzugehen. Naja. Egal wie, ich habe diese Vulnerabilität, bleibt nur erfüllt DAMIT zu leben. Was ja geht seit Jahren. 
Und gestern gabs noch eine Botschaft von innen:
Ich muss nicht suchen. 
Es kommt einfach . 

Na dann, weiter erfüllt meinen Weg in Offenheit und in den Möglichkeiten.

Was in so vulnerablen Phasen jedes Mal reinkickt ist mein Survival. 
Wenn auch ventral noch vorhanden ist. 
Gute Sache?
Auch wenn es mir nicht gefällt, haahahahaa.

Ansonsten ging mir beim Laufen durch den Kopf: Human Resource - das wertvolle Gut Mensch in der Arbeitswelt.

Und in dem Zusammenhang was den Coaching oder therapeutischen Bereich angeht, bin ich als Therapeut diese human resource.
Das heißt je mehr ich mich persönlich entwickele, umso effektiver und wirksamer ist das Coaching oder die Therapie.
Wir sind Menschen und das ANS wirkt unbewusst und es kann genau wahrnehmen wer mir gegenübersitzt und welche Intention dahintersteckt, auch wenn viele das nicht in Worte fassen können, es ist unbewusst da. 
Je tiefer ich in meiner persönlichen menschlichen Entwicklung bin, umso tiefer wird es auch in den Coachings oder im Therapiebereich.
Ich bin mein wertvollstes Tool als Mensch in diesen Settings.
Ventral-vagal-Räume sind Wunderräume.
Leider brauchen diese Wunderräume noch sehr viel Schutz in der Realität, doch je stärker diese ventrale Verbindung in mir selbst wird, umso weniger lässt man sich von außen in den Survival pushen.
Dosis Kraft aus meinen Kraftraum, dort wo es gebraucht wird. 
Der Körper speichert solche Kraftraum-erfahrungen, wo sind diese bei dir gespeichert?
Gefunden? Dann zapf sie an ;)

Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Montag :) 

'You are hard to manipulate when you're detached from the outcome.'

- Wakingupfree

'An awakened man consistently works on creating safety inside his body. He knows that it is not the content of his words, or even his actions that have the deepest impact on others, it is his energy, his groundedness, his deep level of internal security. This cannot be faked, it will be felt by everyone around him, consciously, or subconsciously. The entire world bows to the man who feels safe inside his body as he becomes the father, the warrior, and the husband the world needs.'

- Lorin Krenn

'The most important spiritual growth doesn't happen when you're meditating or on a yoga mat.
It happens in the midst of conflict -- when you're frustrated, angry, or scared and you're doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realize that you have a choice to do it differently.....'

- Wildwomansisterhood

'To heal, we need support from people who believe in our capacity to heal.
To heal, we need support from people who don't try to fix us but stay in the trenches by our side and hold space for whatever shows up.
To heal, we need support from people who create space for our authenticity to come up even when it doesn't look pretty. 
To, heal we need support from people who see our strength and resilience even at times we can only see our wounds and pain.
To heal, we need support from people who recognise who we are beyond the trauma.'

- @the.trauma.educator

'life is like art.
if you focus on the flaws - that's all you will see. 
if you focus on the beauty - that's all you will see.

i choose beauty.'

- topher kearby

 'If you cannot change the course of a storm, be the lighthouse.'

- Ronn Daigle

'Ich habe akzeptiert, dass ch nict ankommen werde. Und deswegen versuche ich, mich in den Weg zu verlieben.'

- Byon Kattilathu

'The truth is - genuine connection is ease. It is peace. When you find it, you will know. You will feel seen, you will feel like you are being mirrored back to yourself, like you are discovering the shadow of your own heart in another human being. 

Slowly, through loving the right people, you will come to realize that the human beings who are meant for you in this world will not exhaust you, or hollow you out, or leave you feeling like you are hard to love.

Slowly, you will learn how to lay down your arms. How to walk away from those who will only ever love you in halves. Slowly, you will learn that you cannot love someone into loving you, or being  ready, if they are not. You cannot love someone into their potential. You cannot close their hands around your heart if they are not willing to hold it themselves.

You have to let them go. 

You have to focus on the people in your life who bring you back home to yourself. You have to focus on standing up for that kind of connection, on honoring that calm, because it exists. It exists.

And I hope you learn to trust that, because when you come across it, when you ultimately experience it, it feels as if you are standing at a door you finally have the keys for. You enter it with ease. There is no fumbling through your jacket pocket trying to find the right way in. 

There is no desperately reaching into your bag trying to uncover the point of access. You are no longer banging your fists against the door, asking to be invited in.

You walk through. Soundlessly. Softly. Relief washes over you. You take off your shoes. You hang your coat in the closet. You put on a pot of coffee. 

You're home.

You're home.'

- @rainbowsalt

'A safe, mature romantic relationship is rarely is created....

It is built first from the safety both partners can feel within themselves, which is the byproduct of how willing and consistent they are with owning their truth and their mistakes. How could we authentically have someone else's back, if we are not emotionally supporting ourselves?

Relationship's safety is consolidated, step by step then, with curiosity. The curiosity to understand each other's past hurts, traumas, limitations and triggers. The curiosity to understand the beauty, the fragility, the vulnerability behind our pain. Safety is reinforced with the maturity to come back to appreciation and empathy after a conflict.

With the determination to place love about the need to be right. With the ability to look back at what we have don that could have been damaging for us and our partner, and the commitment to do it differently next time It is reaffirmed with the trust built over time that no matter the disagreement, we both know the efforts we have constantly implemented to strive in the relationship.

Our growth, our acceptance, our devotion and the desire to hold space for the parts of each other's past that may have never felt love before, become more than the relationship's safety. It becomes the commitment. It becomes the devotion. It becomes the certitude.

The fertile ground is for love to flourish more and more, as the emotional barriers we used to have around the heart melt more and more.'

- Quentin Decamp

'Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river.'

- Virginia Wolf

'Learn the difference between connection and attachment.

Connection gives you power while attachment sucks the energy out of you.'

- yourbeautifullife

'Instead of hustling to build a life that looks good, what if you slowed down and cultivated a life that feels good?'


- Erica Layne


