Space for intuition.... Your guide...


'This is how to start telling the difference between thoughts that are informed by your intuition and thoughts that are informed by fear: Intuitive thoughts are calm. Intruding thoughts are hectic and fear-inducing. Intuitive thoughts are rational; they make a degree of sense. Intruding thoughts are irrational and often stem from aggrandizing a situation or jumping to the worst conclusion possible. Intuitive thoughts help you in the present. They give you information that you need to make a better-informed decision. Intruding thoughts are often random and have nothing to do with what’s going on in the moment. Intuitive thoughts are “quiet”; intruding thoughts are “loud,” which makes one harder to hear than the other. Intuitive thoughts usually come to you once, maybe twice, and they induce a feeling of understanding. Intruding thoughts tend to be persistent and induce a feeling of panic. Intuitive thoughts often sound loving, while invasive thoughts sound scared. Intuitive thoughts usually come out of nowhere; invasive thoughts are usually triggered by external stimuli. Intuitive thoughts don’t need to be grappled with—you have them and then you let them go. Invasive thoughts begin a whole spiral of ideas and fears, making it feel impossible to stop thinking about them. Even when an intuitive thought doesn’t tell you something you like, it never makes you feel panicked. Even if you experience sadness or disappointment, you don’t feel overwhelmingly anxious. Panic is the emotion you experience when you don’t know what to do with a feeling. It is what happens when you have an invasive thought. Intuitive thoughts open your mind to other possibilities; invasive thoughts close your heart and make you feel stuck or condemned. Intuitive thoughts come from the perspective of your best self; invasive thoughts come from the perspective of your most fearful, small self. Intuitive thoughts solve problems; invasive thoughts create them. Intuitive thoughts help you help others; invasive thoughts tend to create a “me vs. them” mentality. Intuitive thoughts help you understand what you’re thinking and feeling; invasive thoughts assume what other people are thinking and feeling. Intuitive thoughts are rational; invasive thoughts are irrational. Intuitive thoughts come from a deeper place within you and give you a resounding feeling deep in your gut; invasive thoughts keep you stuck in your head and give you a panicked feeling. Intuitive thoughts show you how to respond; invasive thoughts demand that you react.'
- Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery
Hallo am Donnerstag :) 

Raum für Intuition.... Kennst du diesen? 

 Er kommt oft unerwartet, spontan in den stillen unspektakulären Momenten. 

Manchmal auch ein unterschwelliges Nagen im inneren bis ich innehalte und spüre was es mir sagen will. 

Es ist das beständige daran erinnert werden auf eine sanfte Art und Weise. 

Intuition, eine so wertvolle liebevolle ganzheitlich erfassende Fähigkeit. 

Auf sie zu hören lässt das Leben oft nicht einfacher werden, denn es fordert auf, Veränderungen für mein Wohlbefinden mutig zu leben. 

Lohnt es sich auf diesen Hindernislauf zu begeben? 

Diese Antwort kann nur jeder für sich finden. 

Meine Erfahrung ist ein ganz klares starkes Ja und ich werde den Rest meines Lebens diesen Weg gehen. 

Für mich. 
Mein Herz. 
Mein Körper. 
Meine Seele. 
Mein Menschsein. 

Jeden Tag eine Meisterschaft.... 

Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Donnerstag mit all der Kraft die es heute braucht. 
Du bist stärker als du vielleicht gerade denkst nicht zu sein. 
Ergebung ist stark. 
Einfach sein ist stark. 

Lass deine Intution dich führen....sie weiss den Weg

'Please stop beating yourself up for the decisions you made when you were trying to find a way out. Anything can look like a solution when you're in survival mode.' 

- Nate Postlethwait
'Be the person who still tries. 
After a failure, after frustration, after disappointment, after exhaustion, after heartbreak, be the person who muster up the courage to believe that a new attempt can manifest a new outcome. Be the person who still tries.' 

- Michelle. C. Clark

' The struggle is beautiful. Iz means you're in the midst of separating good from great. '

- Eddie Pinero 

' There's a huge difference between service and servitude. 
Service doesn't exclude your own needs. Servitude does, and turns you into a martyr. 
You came here to be of service. Not a slave to your work or people you serve. '

- Xavier Dagba

'The female wolf will outlast anything that wants to get the better of her and drag her self to a place she needs to get to in order to heal. Maybe there's something to learn from wolves, or maybe some of us already have.' 

-Tge secrets of Wild Women
