Jeden Tag aufs Neue - auf die Lebenstrainingsmatte !
Guten Morgen und guter Wochenstart :)
Auf eine neue Woche mit ganz viel Terminen, deshalb heißt das für mich: Trainingsmatte slow down - innerlich.
Eine Trainings-Woche hab ich ja schon, haha.
Nur die war unvorbereitet. Diesmal kann ich mich mental drauf einstellen.
Macht es einen Unterschied?
Hm, gute Frage, einfach erfahren und Kurzfazit am Ende ziehen.
Klingt nach einer guten experimentierfreudigen Haltung = läßt ANS ventral sein.
Ich werde berichten ;)
Und zu diesem Thema gibt es von Frank Stockmann noch ein paar gute Impulse aus dem Leistungssport und mentalem Training :
Mehr DOING than READING....bin ich mittlerweile ganz dabei.
Jeden Tag aufs Neue auf die Lebenstrainingsmatte :)
Was steht heute in deinem Lebenstraining an?
Welche Tools kannst du anwenden?
Tu sie.
Jeden Tag aufs Neue.
Schon wieder Ende Februar.... Das Jahr hat noch krasseres Tempo wie 2023, hahaha, wie war das mit Flow?!?!
Tiefes Einatmen und wohlig langes Ausatmen : jaaaa Flooooowwwww :)
Kommst du mit?
In diesen Flow-raum?
'The final stage of healing is using what you learn to help other people.'
- Gloria Steinem
'When a woman no longer dims her light because of the shadow in others, both in women and men, then something magical happens.
She starts to trust herself again. She remembers the power. The highest intelligence can work through her effortlessly.'
- Lorin Krenn
'When we focus on beauty we reflect light.
When we focus on harmony we reflect love.
When we focus on gratitude we reflect blessings.'
- Mary Davis
'Heal. Just make sure you don't get addicted to the "healing journey". A lot of people are addicted to fixing themselves out of a belief that they are broken. They jump from one healer, one healing method, one workshop, one training to the next, all in the pursuit of arriving at completing. Somewhere, sometimes, somehow..they began to believe that they are broken, flawed, and fractured. A beautiful shift happens when you start loving yourself like there is nothing to fix. Instead of getting caught up in an ethereal final destination (which is an illusion), it brings us back home to ourselves of blossoming and becoming in all its messiness, intricacies, and beauty. It's a remembrance that you are always right on time. I'm not saying to not try to be the best you can be, but I am saying that your peace, power, and self-love doesn't have to live in the future. It can live now. And when you stand in that energy, the path you walk towards shifts as well.'
- Branden Collinsworth
'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members, a heart, a grace, and a soul generated by love.'
- Coretta Scott King
'What most people get wrong about nervous system regulation.
There are so many practitioners talking about NS regulation these days.
It has become such a buzzword these days. It's amazing how this field has blown up, AND....
Something a lot of people get wrong is this: we regulate our nervous system with somatic practices that address our sensations, not so that we can be calm....
We do it so that we can have a greater window of tolerance for our emotions - a greater capacity to FEEL. Sometimes that looks like rage, sadness, disgust - it does not look calm at all.
Because when we have a greater tolerance for emotions, we also have a greater tolerance for the ups and downs that are involved in being alive.
This means we can handle challenges much better, become more resilient, and feel more supported in the journey of life.
We don't regulate our nervous system to just calm down in the moment and feel better.
We regulate it so that we can feel the spectrum of all of our emotions.'
- Marina Y.T
Was ein cooles Buch, als Geschichte verpackt situatives Führen lernen.... gut das ich da gestern reingeschaut habe, bevor ich mit dem anderen weitermache...
Kam einfach angeflogen und nahm Platz...