Connected again...with the worldwideweb :)

Guten Morgen :)

Es gibt tatsächlich noch Wunder!

Was vorgestern noch geheißen hat, die Leitung wird erst im März repariert, ist wie durch ein Wunder seit heute erledigt.

Ob es bleibt?

Hahahaha, keine Ahnung.

Zehn-Finger-Tippen tut auf jeden Fall gut :) und jetzt? Wo sich der Horizont plötzlich unerwartet schon geweitet hat?


Irgendwie komisch.....vorallem wenn eine Begrenzung länger dauert. 

Klar hatte ich über mein Handyvertrag genug mobilen Daten für das Notwendigste, doch alles extra war einfach nicht drin.

 Wieder mehr neue Musik auf youtube finden.....Radio war auch okay, doch die wirklichen Kleinode finde ich so nicht. 

Online-Meetings teilnehmen.


Zehn-Finger-Tippen tut gut....und was wird jetzt?

Wieder länger bloggen?

Mehr Text?

Weiss nicht. 

Slow - down wird das schon regulieren.

Step by step.

In meinem Moment sein.

 Nach dem Motto, ich hab die Möglichkeit des weiteren Horizonts, mal sehen was ich daraus mache. 

Studium darf auch erneut weitergehen.

Dankbar, dass es doch noch Wunder gibt ;)


Was kann ich euch für heute mitgeben?


Es darf sich völlig unerwartet doch noch zum Guten wenden....hast du solche Erfahrungen schon gemacht?

Wann das letzte Mal?


Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Donnerstag :)



Beautiful Things - Benson Boone


Chris Renzema - Narrow Road


Stephen Stanley - Whatever It Takes


Xavier Rudd - New Single 'World Order'


Dermot Kennedy - Two hearts


Dermot Kennedy - Lucky


Shinedown - BLACK SOUL


Jess Glynne - Enough


Jacob Collier - Witness Me (with Tori Kelly)



SOVIEL GUTE NEUE MUSIK - Anke delighted :) 

'The relationships we can count on in trauma recovery are those relationships in which we don't have to wonder whether we're believed or not when we say things ---especially about what happened, how bad it was, and how it affected us.'

- Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle


'In dating, most people focus on expressing themselves. But the most attractive partners express a desire to get to know you.

It's good to be intereseting. It's better to be interested. 

We gravitate toward people who want to understand us. Feeling seen in core to feeling loved.'

- Adam Grant


'Many people play the relationship game not to lose. 

Playing to "not lose" in a relationship means that you are careful in your relationship. You are in fear that you might lose someone, so you compromise our withhold who you are to keep the connection going.

Playing to win, on the other hand, means that regardless of the cost, you bring who you are, all of you, to the relationship. 

Playing to win means you do stop leaving yourself behind. It means you don't let fear run you. Instead, you follow your desire and inspiration.'

- Jayson Gaddis


'Why so many advanced spiritual woman are single:

The Divine Feminine has been leading this new wave of spiritual awakening on our planet.

Yes, I know, feminie and masculine energy exist in all of us. But women tend to be more receptive to this Divine Feminine energy that's been rising.

This new wave of spiritual evolution has been embodied by women first (for the most part).

These women (and some men) are intuitive oracles -highly, highly advanced beings.'

- Stephen Parato


'Loving big has never been and will never be the problem.

However, CHOOSING people who have limited capacity to RECEIVE and an inability to RECIPROCATE....that's the problem.

But loving big? I promise, is not the issue.'

- Radical Self Love


 'Trauma means loss. Loss of connection, loss of power, loss of authenticity and loss of safety. The natural emotional response to loss is grief. When grief is not allowed, the next natural response is anger. When anger is not allowed, our body braces and contracts. Tension, suppression, defensiveness, disconnection, freeze gradually replace connection, safety and authenticitiy.'

- Awaken with Ally


'Remember, if you're are not speaking or writing it down, you're storing it, and that gets heavy.'

- Highly Sensitive Healing


'The softest peopel I know, are the strongest people I know. they have stories that could've broken them, but they manage to take all of those pieces and reinvent themselves.'

- Billy Chapata


'Anxiety is often the somatic memory of our childhood when our body wanted to get out of an unsafe environment but the choice wasn't there.'

- the trauma educator


'Stop confusing repressing your emotions with regulating your emotions. 

Here is the important difference....

Repression is rooted in disconnect. It's when we detach from our feelings in an attempt to show up more calm, or more happy.

But our internal world does not match our external one....

Regulating is rooted in connection. It's when we connect to our feelings, which creates tolerance to hold them instead of acting them out.

This allows us to align and honor both our internal and external world.

Many times this disconnect represents the way we function around childhood wounds.'

- Tory Eletto


'If we, having a history of trauma, hold our emotional regulation to the standards of someone who doesn't have our history, we're always gonna feel "crazy" and fragile.

C'mon. Realistic recovery doesn't start from a place of bulls**t comparisons. We gotta get out of that habit.'

- Dr. Doyle


'Tolerance and compassion are qualities of fearless people.'

- Paulo Coelho


'Ein Kind, ein Lehrer, ein Buch und ein Stift können die Welt verändern.'

- Malala Yousafzai


'The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.'

- Anais Nin


'we can get derailed at times because we think we have to do it all at once - become a new person overnight.

so insted of making positive steps forward we give up before we even begin.

but when we choose to do one small thing or make a few simple things begin to change.

yes, it's slow and steady work, but it's good work.

small changes and simple choices can end up impacting our lives in such a positive way.'

- topher kearby


'Because trauma has made intimacy and relationships complicated for us doesn't mean we're not in a relationship because there's something "wrong" with us or "broken" about us. It means what it means - we've seen and expierenced sh*t that makes attachment complicated. No more; no less.'

- Dr. Doyle


'If the whole world was blind and your vibration was the only thing people could feel, how many people would you impress?

- Boona Mohammed


'In religion we call it spirits.

In science we call it energy.

In the streets we call it vibes.

All I'm saying is....

Trust it.'

- Branden Collingsworth


'The inner work never ends. You are constantly evolving into your higher self toward endless levels of growth.'

- Tehuti Khem


'When we choose someone, we are also choosing their past. So even though we're not responsible for healing someone's trauma and wounds, we are still responsible for acknowledging their history. We are responsible for not being a continuation of the part of their past that has caused them suffering. When we choose someone, we are responsible for supporting them as they try to get a little lighter and heal. This is not codependency, this is partnership.'

- Jillian Turecki


'The opposite of depression is expression. Surround yourself with people who don't make you silence and censor your soul.'

- Empowered by Eryka


'Our brokenness is also the source of our common humanity, the basis of our shared search  for comfort, meaning and healing. Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nutures and sustains our capacity for compassion.'

- Bryan Stevenson


'A Divine Feminine woman will activate the Masculine's Hero's journey. Sometimes she will do this for multiple men throughout her life, depending on soul contracts. The role she plays for the Masculine is both beautiful and painful. She opens her heart, knowing it will hurt like hell, because she must release him and allow him to embark on his journey alone. She's not the Distorted Mother who judges and critiques his every move, holding him back from living his life. She's not the Wounded Feminine who clings to him and enables his own wounds. She's not the temptress who distracts him from his purpose and leads him down a false path of illusions.She has the hardest role of all. She loves him unconditionally, sometimes at a distance. She releases all forms of control or judgement. She focuses on her own self growth but never loses faith in the Masculine. She doesn't go on his journey with him, try to save him, or fix things for him. She just loves him and believes in him. Unconditional love and freedom is the greatest gift that the Feminine can give the Masculine. It is a true act of courage, strength, and resilience on her part. A Divine Feminine woman is a sovereign woman, a powerful woman who love herself.

The Heroine's journey has received very little recognition throughout "his" story. 

Women didn't always have a voice, but now we do. 

This journey is not for the faint of heart and although it is a bit more subtle, less tangible, than the Masculine's journey, it is just as intense and challenging. 

Cheers to the brave women who walk this path, often alone.'

- Laura Grant


 Das ging mit mir SEHR TIEF in die RESONANZ.

Und ich werde diesen WEG einfach weitergehen.


'Ich will nicht wie ein Toranda durch mein Leben rauschen und nur irgendwelche Errungenschaften in meiner Schneise hinterlassen. Ich will langsam sein. Präsent. Verbunden. Inspiriert.'

- Lisa Olivera



