Fülle des Lebens


Fülle des Lebens ist für jeden etwas anderes. 
Was ist es für dich und was gehört dazu?

 'People grow when they are loved well. If you want to help others heal, love them without an agenda.'

- Mike McHargue

(Anmerkung : das geht nur in Beziehungen mit der jeweiligen Selbstverantwortung. Bei Suchtvorgängen bleibt nur Selbstschutz und menschliches Dasein aus der gesunden Distanz)


'Poeple who are most magnetically attractive are those whose energy is not split by focusing on trying to be a poeple pleaser, fit in, or satify the opinion of others. They simply transmit a clear broadcast of who they are to the universe.'

- Maryam Hansaa

'There are people in your life who will cause you to forget who you are, and then there are the people who will help you to remember.

Be thankful for those people who are the gardeners of your soul, who tend to your noxious weeds, keep you nutured and growing, and your face towards the sun.'

- Anne White

'Check in on the humans in your life. Yup, even if you checked in on them last week. Even if you think they're good. Even if you think they have support. Weeks change, days change, hours change, emotions change, decisions changes. '

- Vienna Pharaon

'I write because it makes me feel like someone's listening - or am I finally listening to myself.'

- Soulology



'Healing and changing your subconscious thought patterns is not a one and done thing. Inner peace is not a state you reach and remain in forever. These are things we must practice and implement daily.'

- The high priestess11



'Having a smart brain is not enough. We also need a warm heart.'

- Dalai Lama

'When you compare yourself to others it always means that you are comparing your current situation with theirs, yet who knows what happens tomorrow? What happens in 3 years from now? They could be left with nothing, and you could be left with all the abundance in the world. And the other way around. The truth is, we have no idea, we never see and understand the full picture. Deep down we don't want to be where someone else is, we want to be where we are because it is the path our soul has chosen, itbis the path we are meant to walk. If you really answer the question :"Who do you want to be" honestly you will always answer :Myself. So then why do you compare yourself to others if what you actually want, deep down, is to be yourself? '

-Lorin Krenn 

' True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are. '

-Brené Brown



' If i get to be me, I belong. 

If i have to be like you, i fit in. '

-Brené Brown

Ich wünsche dir / euch einen schönen Donnerstag mit all dem was ihr braucht um erfüllt zu leben :)
