Wenn der Wintermodus mit dem Sommermodus im Körper sein Ding macht.....

Wenn der Wintermodus mit dem Sommermodus im Körper sein Ding macht, bleibt nur was?
Irgendwie gut mit dem Körper einen Weg finden....
Und menschliche Krafträume leben.
Ich wünsche dir/euch trotz des GRAUS einen schönen Samstag :)
'Note to self: Along with all the growth and healing, remember to give yourself time for integration, which is a fancy word for "allowing shit to settle". It looks like doing nothing. This doing nothing is necessary.'
-Emily M'Dowell
Kleiner Reminder ;)
'Life is better when you make space for what you love. This world can rob you of every ounce of happiness that you possess - if you let it. Please, be intentional about giving yourself something to look forward to. Please, remember to prioritize your joy.'

- Michell C. Clark

'Feeling unsafe comes from disconnection, overstimulation of your nervous system, overidentification with survival and lack of enough individuation. To feel safer, you need to orient towards reconnection, nervous system attunement, reclaiming your individuality and creating space from thoughts and survival reactions (not making them YOU).

- Awaken with Ally

'It's not enough to give a patient something to do with their hands. You must reach for the heart as well as the hands. It's the heart that really does the healing.'

- Ora Ruggles

'Feeling your feelings isn't as simple as it sounds.
If you had to suppress your feelings in childhood, learning how to feel your feelings and express emotion can be daunting and like learning  a new language.'

- Feelslikehealing

'Today, go where the love is. And if that love is only found within you, then absolutely spend time there.'

- Motivational Quote

'Don't expect growth to be easy. You will be tested. You will feel overwhelmed. And you will want to quit. But to improve your life,  you must improve your tolerance. That's the price of growth.'

- Motivational Quote

'Nobody has complete control over their thoughts and reactions. The most mentally "strong", well-adjusted, non-traumatized person you know doesn't. Expecting yourself to be able to willpower your thoughts and reactions into submission isn't realistic.
Try softer. Think .1% shifts.'
- Dr Glenn Patrick Doyle
'Spirituality is not a set of rules or rituals, it's the journey of self-discovery and conscious awakening.'
- Rikho Living
'Wir können eine Person lieben und trotzdem ihre Probleme nicht zu unseren werden lassen.'
- Sara Kuburic
'You'll never have to filter your energy for anyone who appreciates the full picture of who you are, your authenticity is a gift to those that truly see you.'
- Billy Chapata
'Hochsensible Menschen werden wegen ihrer hohen ethischen und moralischen Ansprüche an sich und andere, sowie aufgrund ihres ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeitssinns, von vielen als unbequem empfunden.
Doch stell' Dir doch bitte nur mal vor, wie viel friedlicher, umsichtiger und respektvoller der Umgang mit allem und jedem auf unserer Welt wäre, wenn mehr Menschen so denken und handeln würden, wenn Hochsensible in verantwortungsvollen Positionen die Entscheidungen zu allen wichtigen Themen treffen würden, Ich mein' ja nur....'
- @let.s.talk.mental
'Spirituality without humanity and humility is like a tree without roots. It cannot  stand strong of bear meaningful fruit.
 You see, there is a new age idea that once we become spiritual, once we've "awakened", we become above our humanity. Hiding our human essence behind the shadow of spiritual bypassing.'

- Malcolm Fraser

Metakognition Menschsein ist auch kein spirituelles Bypassing - sondern sehr realisitisches Menschsein.....auch in mir selbst. Nur so geht es. 

'What kills a soul? Exhaustion, secret keeping and image management.

What brings a soul back from the dead? Honesty, connection and grace.'

- Shauna  Niequist

'We might want to feel, release and heal emotions, but if the nervous system doesn't feel safe regulating the energy, it will block the process. It will protect through overwhelm, denial, rationalization, freeze, rumination, dissociation, anxiety or suppression.'

- Awaken with Ally

'There is a physical body.
There is a mental body.
There is spiritual body.
They are one. They each have their attributes. 
They each have their weaknesses. 
They each have their associations. 
Yet they must all be coordinated.'

- Edgar Cayce

'I'm so glad you outlasted your worst storms.

You're still  here.

Instead of constantly looking for rainbows, you decided to became one.'

- Dr. Thema Bryant

'What's meant to be for you will still take a lot of hard work. It will still require trust in something bigger than you. You will still want to quit multiple times while doing it. And the outcome of your path will still seem uncertain for much of the time.'

- Subconsciousthinkers

'When you're nervous about stepping outside of your comfort zone, remind yourself:

"It feels scary because it's unfamiliar - not because I'm incapable."'

- Michell C. Clark

'Je mehr ich von meinem Selbstwert überzeugt bin, desto mehr inspiere ich andere dazu, an ihren Selbstwert zu glauben.'

- John Strelecky

'You consider yourself to be the  problem; 
but you are the solution. 
You think you are the lock;
in fact you are the key.'

- Rumi

'You are worth the trouble.'

- Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
'Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely.'
- Clarissa Pinkola Estès
'I found the world to be lacking in safe places, So I choose to heal and become one.'
- Tiffinikilgore
'Schaffe ein Umfeld, das dich inspiriert, deine beste Version zu sein.'
- Thrive and Shine
 'You may not be able to change the entire world, but you can release your love, and watch its vibrant colors, paint the world around you with kindness and patience, and watch your little part of it change for the better. '

- Mona Lisa Nyman

'Sometimes there are no words to help one's courage. Sometimes you just have to jump.'

- Clarissa Pinkola Estès

'As we heal, we'll start to realize that we can hold space for multiple feelings of emotions at once.'

- Alex Ellie

'When we experience emotional neglect, wounds, rejection, hurt, betrayal, or suppression,  a part of our emotional self becomes unavailable to us. And when it becomes  unavailable to us, it becomes unavailable to life, relationships, connection, regulation and love.'

- Awaken with Ally

'A Love Language for anyone trying to heal from trauma is: 


- Selfhealers.circle

'The greatest loneliness is not disconnection from others. 

It's disconnection from yourself.'

- Cory Muscara

'Love is not perpetual bliss, love is being able to face the hard moments with an eagerness to understand each other instead of just fighting to win.
Love asks you to double down on building your self-awareness so you can show up as the compassionate version of yourself.
Love is you and your partner signing up for  growth journey.'
- Yung Pueblo
'As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.'
- Rumi
'Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.'
- Roy T. Bennett
'In a time of destruction CREATE SOMETHING:
A poem, a parade, a community, a school, a moral principle; 
- Maxine Hong Kingston
'Beneath the surface of the protective parts of trauma.....there exits an undamaged essence, a Self that is confident, curious, and calm.'
- Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
'When you show people how to empower themselves -they're no longer dependent upon you. This is  the mark of a true spiritual teacher, one who helps their students reach the point where they outgrow their need of them, enabling to pass wisdom to others. Create masters not slaves.'
- Sovereign.collective
'Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our true potential.'
- Jane Goodall
'There is so much love in friendship, people forget that.'
- Mark Anthony 
When you create a difference in someone's life, you not only impact their life, you impact everyone influenced by them throughout their entire lifetime. 
No act is ever too small.
One by one, this is how to make an ocean rise.'
- Danielle Doby


