Settling into the new way of connecting......
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen guten Wochenstart :)
Gibt aktuell nicht viel zu berichten, ich bin gerade in der Phase: old gone - new unfolding.
Es einfach sein Ding machen lassen - und das Leben machen lassen......
Kleiner Kinotipp für Kinder und Erwachsene :
'Some people will judge you for changing. Others will celebrate you for growing. Choose your circle carefully.'
'Relationships are a path to become who you are. If you don't have this view, you'll get lost in the weeds of trying to change the other person, or yourself, to get the connection you long for.
Seeing relationships as a path, helps you reframe partnership as a journey, instead of a destination. It allows you to relax knowing that the sole purpose of your partner is to help you awaken to who you really are. For example, an intimate partnership will help everything emerge from the shadows of your relational history so that it can be seen, healed and accepted. This is what loving someone is about.
Relationships heal trauma. Just being in a good one, can repair years of hurt, feeling unseen, and feeling alone. Thus, relationships are a path to healing and personal transformation
Taking a framework that relationships are a path helps you heal anything disowned in you because you'll "attract" it in another person. The things that trigger you most about your partner are opportunities for you to own whatever part of you is disowned. If you care about self-actualization, put most of your attention on your relationships. Because you can empowered in every other area (health, money, etc.), but you'll remain an underdeveloped child when it come to emotions, embodiment, sexuality, and your ability to connect. '
- Jayson Gaddis
'There are people waiting to meet you. People waiting to love you. There are places that stand still until you've stepped foot in them. Something really beautiful could happen for you in the morning. There is so much waiting for your arrival. Arrive there.'
- Brianna Pastor
'The leading edge in relationship work is no longer how I express myself clearly, that is also important. But it is a new understanding of relationships:
I can feel myself, can perceive the space between us, and feel you. That is relational competence.'
- Thomas Hübl
'When you heal, you go from wanting to be chosen to doing the choosing.'
- Imani.intouch
'There are two places you need to go often:
1. The place that heals you.
2. The place that inspires you.'
- Tiny Buddha