Being - hello July : )




 'Safe people offer you the freedom to express your sensitivity without you worrying

 it will be used to hurt you again.'

- Nate Postlethwait

'There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as "moral indignation", which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the  guise of virtue.'

- Erich Fromm

'So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.'

- R. Arnold

'Es ist eine seltene Gabe - die Fähigkeit, anderen zu erlauben, genauso zu sein, wie sie sind. Zerbrochen. Ganz. Traurig. Wütend. Ängstlich. Verloren. Erwacht oder schlafend. Wie auch immer. 

Ihnen mit jeder Faser Ihres Wesens zuzuhören. Um sie mit den Sinnen zu empfangen, um ihnen zuzuhören wie die wilden Tiere des Waldes.

Um sie in ungestörter, faszinierter Aufmerksamkeit einzuwickeln.

Sie in eine stille, warme Gegenwart zu hüllen.

Ihnen in diesen kostbaren Momenten, in denen sie zusammen sind, das Gefühl zu geben, dass sie die geliebtesten Menschen im ganzen Universum sind.

Wenn man diese Art des heiligen Zuhörens von jemanden spürt, ist das unverkennbar.

Es kann nicht hergestellt werden.

Es kann nicht vorgetäuscht werden.

Es ist äußerst selten und heilig.

Es ist nichts weniger als bedinungslose Liebe.'

- Jeff Forster

'after you survive

your storm

you simply must try to 

become a lighthouse

my love, 

your scars are 

meant to burn so bright

that they will help a person

lost at sea find the shore

every wound you carry

has a 1000 watt bulb inside

of it that preaches the gospel

of the coming dawn one

burst of daybreak at a time

my love,

it's the circle

of survival

you have endured

to help others endure

you have outlasted the dark

to become a disciple of light

this is your calling now

~ to plant your feet

in the same shore

you washed up on

~to insult the darkness

by vowing to stand against

~to save as many others who are lot amid the storm

and - of course

~to ignite

my love 

it's time




- John Roedel

'Trust the unpredictable intelligence of healing.

Know that our symptoms may get worse before they get better. Energies may become more intense before they die down.

What appears now as chaos and disintegration may in fact be necessary release and intelligent reorganisation of blocked system.

Sometimes our hearts need to break wide open so we are able to hold more life, more powerful love.

Know that  who you truly are cannot be broken, not even by the most intense energies, and cannot be fixed, and life never makes mistakes even when life seems like a mistake.

Love is all that matters. The rain falls, stars explode in silence somewhere out in the vastness of space, and here on this tiny planet someone called Earth, sometimes we meet and hold each other.'

- Jeff Foster


'When someone begins to heal from living in survival mode, they have a desperate need for honesty and authenticity. They've had to fight for their ability to think clearly and know who they are. It's been quite costly. They're not willing to engage with those who won't respect that.'


- Nate Postlethwait


'If you don't know how to care for or advocate for yourself, our nervous system will do so in the form of dysregulation.'


- @-anxiousfemale


Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Sonntag :)
