Früher Freitag-Abend und ich war leicht platt, Arbeiten, Putzen, Einkaufen, Wäsche waschen und inneres NACHARBEITEN.
Wenn ich solche tiefgehende Themen embodied durchlebe, dann ist der nächste Tag oft so.
Es arbeitet nach und meistens kommt dann irgendwann die Phase des grieving (Traurigkeit).
Sie ist eher so eine diffuse, nicht konkret festlegbare Traurigkeit (oft auch mit alten Glaubenssätzen), doch sie ist Teil des Prozesses.
Ich hatte es schon in meinem 'Go' gespürt und bin in der Bewegung teils auch durch, wahrscheinlich hab ich deshalb auch den 'Go-Modus' gewählt zu leben.
Allerdings kommt der Punkt, wo sich zu beschäftigen nicht mehr das ist was es braucht.
Maßnahmen sind dann meine Ressourcen und den inneren Raum so zu weiten, dass Platz genug ist für das Nacharbeiten und meine Ressourcen zu leben.
Yoga und laufen waren passend.
Und witzigerweise hatte ich meine Kleiderfarbwahl so getroffen, dass ich meine Wohlfühlfarben trug :)
Heute keine ventral-vagal-durchflutete Einladung, sondern einfach das was ich gestern war authentisch ventral-dorsal-Sein.
Ich hab beschlossen das zu teilen, weil es einfach zu dem Embodied-Heilungs-Prozess gehört.
Es ist menschlich.
Beim Laufen kam mir der Satz:
Ich bin nicht normal - ich bin menschlich :)
Und da es meist in einem Tag durch ist, es sein lassen wie es war.
Heute ist ein neuer Tag :)
Hallo JULI, lass uns authentisch erfüllt LEBEN!!
Wow, das Jahr hat ein krasses Tempo ;)
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Samstag :)
'"authenticity is freedom".
choices become clearer, interactions with other people become more soulful, and life becomes more meaningful.
not because there are no challenges, but because you know that you need to meet each new situation is within you.'
- topher kearby
'What would the voice of compassion say? Start treating your Self like some you love, someone you care for, someone that tells you the truth. There is no greater love.'
- J. Mike Fields
'There is a difference between connecting and feeling connected.....
Connecting: Talking to someone at a cocktail party.
Befriending the barista at your local coffee sho
Calling your parents
Feeling connected is that deep sense that you are in your own body, your own space AND the person is with you, right there. You feel felt by them. They feel felt by you. You both get it and know the feeling.
When you are connecting, you might have lots of friends you connect with in your network, but you might also still feel along, like no one understands you.
Whereas feeling connected erases any feelings of aloneness.
One of the most valuable life skills to learn?
It's still the ability to feel connected.
But you don't feel connected because you have 100 friends. You feel connected because you feel deeply known by one of them.'
- Jayson Gaddis
'Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.'
- Samuel Johnson
'People who have overcome darkness in their life typically have a fire inside them that is almost impossible to extinguish.'
- Stephen Timoney
'The body is designed to heal. So, every single cell in your body is intelligently created, innately designed to identify damage, repair, replace damaged cells, regulate itself to different types of environmental changes, emotional changes. These systems, this musical instrument of our beingness is amazing. '
- Dr. Darren Weissman
'"Grow up", we say.
"Stop crying.", we plead.
"Do as you're told", we demand.
And then we wonder why there are so many adults who can't find the courage to speak, or feel, or create.
Maybe there are so many wild souls in cages because we put them there.'
- Brook Hampton
'Shout out to everyone who is still trying to be an open-hearted and kind person even while having to process a lot of heavy things.'
- Unknown
'you have to be a little wild.
a little reckless.
a little weird.
to really make anything happen in life.
so embrace it.
learn to love the real you.'
- topher kearby
'Friends that always bring energy, realness, and love are the suns that make our gardens grow.'
- Cory Allen
'If you want to support your partner in their awakening and healing then there are only two things you can do:
1. Let go of trying to change them.
2. Focus solely on your own embodiment and awakening.
When you let go of trying to change them you release them from your unexpressed expectations and love them exactly as they are. This will provide them with a safe space to grow and evolve.
When you focus all your energy on your own journey of awakening, your state of embodiment, then you have the deepest impact on your partner.
Your internal growth leads to changes in the external in the most profound ways possible.
You cannot change your partner.
But you can change yourself.
When you want them to change desperatelty, then you are not loving them as they are.
Allowing them to go throuhg their own process of evoluation and healing is the greatest act of love.
And whether that involves you staying with them, or not, is up for you to decide.'
- Lorin Krenn
PS: Und irgendwann kommt ein Punkt, wo nur die Wahl bleibt, für sich alleine weiterzuwachen mit aller Konsequenz.
'As a first step, we must move the focus of anti-bias work out of the mind and into the body. It's critical that we awaken to the process of settling our nervous systems in order to establish heart-centered social engagement with those we have been conditioned to cast as an other.'
- Dr. Niki Elliott
' Witnessing conflict, being the third side, does not mean running away from it, but consciously perceiving and embracing polarisation and fragmentation. '
-Thomas Hübl