When deep inner wisdom reflects back in shared words from others.....




 'When you have done a lot of healing on your own and then all your wounds come alive the moment you enter a relationship, remember that this is not a sign that you have done something wrong, or that you haven't  "healed enough". The healing you do on your own only partly prepares you for a relationship, for a union.You will never be fully prepared, this in itself is a trap as some wounds can only be healed in a relationship. The possibility of your deepest healing is when your wounds are vulnerably exposed, and a relationship does this better than anything else in the universe. The moment you enter a relationship all the inner work you have done will be put to the test. Sometimes several times a day. It is okay if this feels confronting, challenging, even if you have done a lot of work and healing before on your own. By allowing the relationship to expose your wounds, by allowing the nature of love to teach you where your work lies, you awaken like never before. You enter a state of deep surrender. You let got of the stories, the expectations, the ideas of where you have to be, and you humbly face the storm with a wide open and courageous heart. This is the art of sacred union. Your relationship becomes your spiritual practice. Your relationship turns into your spiritual teacher.'

- Lorin Krenn


Hm, manche innere Weisheit ist wohl universell.

Schon krass wie ich manches intuitive Erahnen kann und es zeigt sich im Wegverlauf dann ziemlich deutlich. 

Herzweisheit ist sehr sehr stark.

'The relationship you have with yourself is the most complicated because you can't walk away from yourself. You have to forgive every mistake. You have to deal with every flaw. You have to  find a way to love yourself even when you are disgusted with yourself.'

- Verb_selflove


'Disgusted' ist zum Glück noch nie dagewesen, muss sich schrecklich anfühlen.....

'Pay attention to what makes you feel most at home, grounded, and centered, whether it's a location, person, activity, or thing. Find ways to bring more of those things, places, and people into your life on a regular basis. Go to places that feel like home, connect with those that bring you back to yourself, and curate items that root you in your truth.'

- Stephanie Zamora


'The stronger your light becomes, the stronger the shadow will get triggered in others. You cannot become your most awakened self without disturbing the comfort of the human shadow.'

 - Lorin Krenn


Und was fragt mich das Leben nach all den Inspirationsworten von anderen?

Ob ich für mich bereit bin, meiner tiefen Weisheit noch stärker zu vertrauen und sie einfach zu leben, in meinem eigenen Raum in mir und um mich herum.

In einer gelassenen ruhigen und vom Leben geführten Art und Weise. 

Noch tiefer in sich selbst verwurzeln, diese Wesensruhe noch mehr anzapfen und leben. 

Diese Wesensruhe, die ein unerschütterliches Vetrauen ins Leben hat. 

Hm, schreibt sich schon sehr wohltuend. 

Und es darf endlich den Raum haben, den es all die Jahre nicht haben konnte.

Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Freitag :)
