Stepping into....
'No matter how conscious you are, or how much work you have done, your relationship will always have a level of imperfection to them. Even though you can experience moments of immensely deep connection, moments of indescribable bliss, moments of deep intimacy, there will still be misunderstandings, and moments of disconnection. And that is good as otherwise your relationship would be a place where you can escape from yourself and that would hinder your evolution, your healing. A relationship is here to serve your highest evolution and not your shadow. The moments of imperfections, the moments of misunderstandings, the moments of disconnect are not here to make you suffer but to invite you to connect with something deeper, something sacred, something that remains untouched by the storms of life, something that doesn't need to control, or things to be certain way. Allow the imperfect nature of relationships to open your heart. Surrender the need to change your relationship, to figure things out, and fully embrace, accept the messiness of being human.
What happens then you ask?
Magic happens. '
- Lorin Krenn
Menschen die ihre tiefe Weisheit leben - egal ob Mann oder Frau, egal welches Tiefenlevel- es geht in die Resonanz mit der eigenen inneren tiefen Weisheit, die gesehen werden will.
Auf dem Weg das zu leben und je authentischer ich bin, umso mehr werden diese menschlichen Beziehungen entstehen, einfach so.
'If you think a relationship is meant to be an escape or that it should only be blissful, then you're missing the point. love is soft and nourishing, but it is also hard and revealing. it shows you the sides of yourself you need to work on.'
- Yung Pueblo
Nein ich will vor mir selbst nicht flüchten, habe keinen Grund dazu, du?
Etwas herausfordernder Humor am Dienstag ;)
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Tag :)