Bereit nicht mehr passende innere Räume loszulassen und in den neuen Raum zu treten :)
Make some wishes :)
~ wave to be - öffnen für neues Wachstum und magisch verbunden mit dem Leben ~
'Breathe. Meditate.
Settle into yourself.
Learn who you are, deeply, fully.
Because when the world spins,
this is what you'll hold onto.
This is how you weather the storm'
- The Sattva Life
'There are some people who have sun inside them. It's hard to explain. Their presence just brightens, it's not about their beautiful smiles. They have an internal being that sheds light and feels like sun. It's a calm energy. Inner peace. But most importantly, it's not wanting anything back in return. It's sun.'
- Skiesnostalgy
'To soften freeze, we need to replace pressure with patience, urgency with slowness, judgment with compassion, and shame with acceptance. Coming out of freeze means honoring this response so much that the system begins to "realize" it no longer needs to protect in this way.'
- Awaken with Ally
Hallo vom Abend :)
Gestern noch Dauergrau, gab es heute die Überraschung am Nachmittag :)
Sonne und blauer Himmel - tat so gut und hat genau gepasst zu meinem inneren weiten Sein.
Wachstum heißt, dass ich ab einem gewissem Punkt alte innere Räume in mir loslasse, um in neue Entstehende hineintrete.
Das lebe ich aktuell in mir.
Was es mit äußeren Räumen macht?
Keine Ahnung.....wird das Leben zeigen.
Ich weiss nur eins ganz sicher, ich gehe diesen Weg für mich und mein Wesen.
Hingabe an den Wachstumsraum und all das was es umfaßt :)
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Abend und schonmal einen schönen Sonntag :)
Das ist soooo schön:
'The deepest paradox of love is this:
It arrives not when we search for it or cling to it, but when we stand whole within ourselves. Love comes quietly, not as a need but as a shared strength. In releasing the desperation to be loved, we create space for true connection - a love that neither controls nor blinds but blossoms in freedom. When we find self-respect and let go of emotional debs, love can breathe. Only then can real intimacy bloom, rooted in mutual respect, where love flows freely, like an echo of our truest selves.'
- Jin Apo Baylan
'How do you stay so positive?
I don't.
I accept every emotion I feel without shame or guilt and work through it. I am not one dimensional. I am a trillion parts and I love and accept them all. The goal isn't positivity, it's self-acceptance.'
- Amethyst Joy
'You cannot engage in the same levels of stress or stimulation, dismiss your needs, push through discomfort, or hold onto the same old perspectives and expect your nervous system to respond differently or heal. What created the unsafety cannot also create safety. Something needs to change.'
- Awaken with Ally