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Lost Frequencies - Love Is The Only Thing

'Dear Woman and Man,

Sometimes, a divine man or a spiritual woman crosses your path, yet your lives are moving in different directions. They are on their own journey, just as you are on yours. Still, their presence in your life is not a coincidence—it is part of a greater plan.

God sends them into your life not to possess you, not to bind you, but to heal you, to love you, and to help you meet yourself in a way you never have before. Their presence awakens something sacred within you, something you may have forgotten—your own soul.

Society teaches us that love must be reserved for a spouse, a partner, or someone we are expected to love according to man-made rules. But love is not confined by these definitions. Love is something much deeper; it is within you, waiting to be seen, felt, and expressed.
Sometimes, love comes in a form that defies labels. You meet someone who makes your heart dance, who makes your spirit come alive, and in their presence, you feel an undeniable expansion. This is not always about romance; sometimes, it is simply the love of recognition—the soul recognizing itself in another.

Love is not always about forever. Some people are sent into our lives for a season, for a moment, or for a lesson. But that does not make the love any less real, any less meaningful. 

Love is not measured by time but by depth, by the way it transforms us.

The world may not understand this kind of love. It may call it wrong, question its purpose, or try to control it. But the truth is, love in its purest form is beyond human judgment. It does not need permission to exist. It simply is.

Sometimes, this love comes as a storm, shaking you awake, forcing you to shed old versions of yourself. Other times, it comes as a whisper, as a gentle presence that reminds you of your own worth, your own light.

Not everyone you love is meant to stay, and not everyone who stays is meant to be loved in the way you once thought. Love takes many forms, and each one serves its purpose. It is up to us to embrace it without fear, without guilt, without needing to justify it.

If you have met someone whose presence stirs something divine in you, do not ignore it. Let it teach you, let it move you, let it reveal the parts of you that need to be seen. Even if they must leave, even if they are not yours to keep, honor the love that was shared.

You know that love is not about possession—it is about awakening. It is about the journey back to yourself. It is about the ways God reminds you that you are alive, that you are capable of feeling deeply, and that love, in all its forms, is always a gift.

So, dear one, trust what you feel. Even if it does not fit into the world’s definitions, even if it changes you in ways you did not expect. Love is never a mistake. It is always part of the divine plan.'

- Abhikesh

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Ich wünsch es dir/euch einen schönen Sonntag :)


PS: Vielleicht gibt es heute noch eine Fortsetzung der inuitiven Geschichte mal sehen ;)
