Je tiefer....
~wave to be - home ~
Je tiefer ich in mir gegangen bin und dort jetzt bin, wo ich bin in mir, umso klarer wird mein ureigener menschlicher Weg, mit meinem Körper, meinem Wesen, meiner Seele und meinem Herzen.
Authentizität und Integrität ist das, das Vertrauen auf diese innere zusammenfliessende embodied Stimmigkeiten und sie ins Leben zu bringen.
Tiefe Dankbarkeit für den Weg und die geschenkte gegebene Chance, diesen Weg gehen zu dürfen und weiterhin zu tun.
Ehrfurcht vor diesem tief geführten intuitiven Leben, wenn ich mutig genug bin es zu wagen.
Ich wünsche dir / euch einen schönen Tag :)
'You know you're on the right path when people call you unrealistic, delusional, and worry about the choices you're making.
To the over-culture, true visionaries have always been labeled unhinged, manic, and dangerous - because authenitc vision threatens comfortable mediocrity.
The further you open into your soul's gifts, the more unsolicited advice you'll receive from people who've never dared to open into their own.
We're often told that being receptive to feedback is what "spiritually evolved" people do.
In reality, 99% of feedback isn't about your growth.
It's about their fear of what your courage reveals about their choices.
Your authentic path will threaten those still pretenting to live theirs.
Your clarity becomes a mirror they can't bear to look into.
Most would rather tear down your vision than face the emptiness of their own.
If you really want to step fully into your power, prepare to be misunderstood for the rest of your life.
And know hat being misunterstood is the price of following your truth instead of their comfort.'
- Evan Meyer