Raw transitions....
~ wave to be - be the light in your own home ~
'She might be down to earth and rooted in reality by her responsibilities, but her Soul is a Wild One; always set on finding magic in sunsets and sunrises that others take for granted.'
- Daniel Mercury
'Remaining curious,
remaining active,
continuing to learn,
continuing to try new things,
even reinvention yourself keeps you alive.'
- Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D.
'There are seasons in life when we need to be held in our pain - when the deepest healing comes from being validated, nutured, and reminded that what happened was not okay. In these moments, we need our wounds licked, our innocence acknowledged, and our grief honored. And then there are times when what serves us most is the call to rise. To choose forgiveness as a path back to our own wholeness. To reclaim our power, let go of pain's grip, and stop identifying with the story of what was. Wherever you are in this cycle is perfect. Trust the timing of our healing.'
- Way of Devotion
'The most intimate thing we can do is to allow people we love the most to see us at our worst.
At our lowest.
At our weakest.
True intimacy happens when nothing is perfect.'
- Amy Harmon
' I hope you've learned that growth isn't loud; it's in the quiet, steady rhythm of showing up again and again until the impossible becomes second nature.'
- Dipendra Tamang
'The body speaks in sensations, not words.
Healing means learning to understand its language.'
- The embodied lab
'Fear is a sensation
Courage is a decision '
- Andrew Huberman
'Trauma healing is a layered process. We might experience the same pattern many times, meet it many times, at many levels, until it can feel seen, loved, embodied, felt and integrated.
Trauma healing starts with clarity and "ends" with embracing more of YOU.'
- Awaken with Ally
Raw transitions.....machen verletzlich, sind verletzlich, öffnen einem für die Rohheit des Wandelns, Heilens, neue Wege bereiten.
Manche innere Bewegungen bringen das zu tage...raw transitions - pure Verletzlichkeit und trotzdem erscheinen in der Welt.
Welchen Mut braucht das?
Kannst du das sehen?
Dich dafür selbst wertschätzen?
Dir diesen Raum zugestehen?
Wir sind alle verletzlich und gleichzeitig kraftvoll.
Vergiss das bitte nie - das nie-Wort jup!
Ich wünsche dir/euch einen schönen Abend und schon mal einen schönen Mittwoch morgen :)