Being touchable humanwise - first experiences

I wish you a wonderful wednesday :)

My this years's Motto shows already the first experiences and it is quite interesting, since I never know in the beginning of year, what all is going to be part of it and will evolve while walking the way. 

It starts with shared humanity.

To live this shared humanity, I need to be in touch with myself, my soul, heart and body, I need to be able to maintain a connection to my impulses, pokes, expierences, being vulnerable as a human being. 

With a protection suit, shared humanity from the outside would just drop off like the teflon-effect. 

Being vulnerable means being with your pains, joys, fears, comfort etc, it means being all that as it is. Being with all that, which is right now and share this with others. 
No masks, not pretend, no protection suit active. 

Shared humanity is a space which I call magcial spaces.

It is a place of understanding, out of your own experiences and staying with them, not pushing them away, feeling, sensing, locating in your body what happens in different life situations. It is a space of shared being human and out of this sharing new ideas, new perspectives, new insights, shifting of ways, being inspired can occur.

Spaces of shared humanity is also very comforting and feeling good.
It is encouraging and being there for another human, from a deep place inside of oneself.

Shared humanity is only possible when the openess is there, when I pay attention and processes my own ways in life, events or happenings, when I'm there, pause, feel, sense, make sense out of happenings, know my strength and weakness, clear my clutter inside and outside, follow impulses of my well-being. 

I am grateful for this first teaching of shared humanity and I do not want to miss it in my life anymore. 

It feels good, it feels heartwarming, it is a comfort giving space to be. 

The first experience of shared humanity I discovered many years back when I was pilgriming online. 

Even it was only a space in the virtual word, it still was a deep shared humanity space and for this expierence I am always greatful. 

In my now, I have those spaces in real life, I unconsciously and consciously created them out of my own space for me and with others and knowing and seeing this, makes me grateful for those real life happenings of shared humanity.
