The deeper the heart...
....the higher the thought.....a saying from China. On my quote calendar this morning.
' Je tiefer das Herz, desto hoeher der Gedanke.'
- Aus China
'Achtsamkeit kommt aus einem stark entwickelten Bewusstsein fuer die eigenen koerperlichen und verbalen Handlungen.'
- Dalai Lama
' Das Schoenste am Lernen ist, dass niemand uns das Erlernte wegnehmen kann.'
- B.B. King
Good morning, smiles to you :)))))
May our day carry us in deep calm being, finding the treasures in our nows, no matter what.
Smiles, Anke :)
Time to switch into movement clothes and go...ey!
Need a pull into calm being?
Or better being soaked in this full warm being atmosphere?
And when you are soaked enough, letting go to keep creating yours.
Remember love energy follows peace always.
Trust the slowly finds ways.
Intuition just meant: stop pondering over choices you cannot make yet, trust your own inside wisdom,
some day it will be clear what choice to take.
And till then LIVE!!!!
YES, i learned this and can say it is my truth...maybe yours as well?
Relax and just be.
Enjoy your now.
Love your now.
It won't come back.
But when you live your now fullfilled,
it carries you into other nows which fullfill you again... a beautiful collecting spilled life beads creation.
Aha...release while walking.
Smirk ¡)
Just be with all, nothing less and nothing more, just BEING.
And a release from last night:
There is a difference between soul and being mate.
I live in a hilly landscape kind of in the middle between other higher hills and my location gives me the opportunity to choose between a couple beautiful routes, different length to enjoy wide views.
Being in inner peace?
Smile :)
Und was das Zitat von gestern noch innerlich geloest hat ist das: braucht es nur ein Partner der einem die Freiheit laesst so seinen Weg zu gehen als Frau.
Was anderes funktioniert auch nicht oder nicht mehr.
Fuer mich.
Und wer kann das?
Der es selbst so lebt.
Und das ist und bleibt gegenseitige Bereicherung.
Waches lebendiges Sein.
Ready for work, soon.
Second breakfast and then going.
Enjoy your rest morning and your afternoon :))))
Some more warmth of being :)
Off to work, ey! the sound maschine, yep.
See ya later :)
Such a beautiful is a lyrics link
Howdy from the evening :)
How was your day?
Mine was fun :))))
Lot's of joyous laughing.
So, now, kids towards bed, eating something and downshift time.
And a major sigh...retirement info...pfffff.....yep....lowest low...and dear life, need to work more more years, support me to stay healthy :)
Okay, enjoy your evening, weird weather, reminds me on ocean climate....smirk....time to enter some islands?
Or better create that being?
Sure, why not :)
Sasha - Life Designer with lyrics:
Well, weather report was a little much off, lol...nicer than predicted, lol :) Tv, choice tonight and choice making was in can you make a fullfilling choice?
Trusting your emerging intuitive images.
And even the leaping is tough....the fullfilled being will come....
So. Heute wurde ich innerlich herausgefordert,
mein Seinsraum klar zu halten.
Endresultat: geklaert und weiter wie bisher.
Konstante sein in Momenten.
Nicht mehr, nicht weniger.
Einfach nur sein, in meiner inneren Ruhe
und teilen wann immer es Momente dafuer gibt.
Nicht mit Worte,
mit purem Sein.
Freies Sein.
Erwartungslos und klaeren dieser bewusst, wenn sie auftauchen.
Freies Geben.
Krasser TV da es jetzt sehr krass wird, geh ich jetzt ins Bett, lol....
Gute Nacht.
Grateful letting go
Thank you heart, soul, body and being.
Thank you life.
Good night.